At the end of the day…

I’m going to be mentally refucked no matter what new method of thinking I try.

A man’s negative reactions and behaviors towards me are what I’ve come to expect. “Some women just have it, some women don’t. I never have.”

A beautiful woman will tell a plain average woman to simply change the way she thinks about herself, or believe the opposite of what she really is, i.e., “I’m all that and a bag of chips” and men will start seeing her as “all that and a bag of chips,” aka attracted to her.
So, the average plain woman runs to put on a little eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, and blush. She changes the way she dresses and gives this “new thinking” a try, but it doesn’t work. At least not the way those other prettier women said that it would. Nothing changes.
Bob, for example, still, doesn’t give her a second glance.

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